34 Goals I Want to Achieve While I’m 34 Years Old

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I just turned 34 years old on the seventh of April.  I can’t believe I have made it this far.  There have been many struggles and many years that I was depressed and didn’t even want to live for another year.  I am in a better place now and wanted to make some goals for myself for being 34.  I have made a list of 34 goals for being 34.  Most of the goals I want to accomplish this year but there are a few that will probably take a little longer to finish but want to start on them now.  Hopefully this list will inspire you to set your own goals. So let’s get started with the list:

1.) Get 50 email subscribers for my blog

Part of growing my blog is building my email list.  I want to do better about making freebies that go along with my blog posts so that people will want to download them and I can hopefully grow my list by next year.  Right now I have about 6 subscribers but have not sent out any emails so I would also need to set up my welcome sequence and start emailing regularly.

2.) Get over 500 page views on my blog in one month

Growing my blog is a big goal of mine and so far I have never had over 150 pageviews in one month so I want to set a big goal to be able to have over 500 pageviews per month hopefully consistently by next year.

3.)Start a savings account

Having an emergency fund is important when you get older because you can have unexpected bills show up like problems with your car or stuff like that and I want to be prepared so that I don’t drown if something happens.

4.) Plan a trip to washington DC

I want to plan a trip to the nation’s capital this year.  I live in Virginia now so I’m closer than I’ve ever been to Washington DC and I think it would be an amazing trip to see all the monuments and the Smithsonian Museums. 

5.) Get a gym membership and actually go

One of my goals at the beginning of the year was to get a gym membership and go at least 3 times a week.  I have had money issues the first part of the year so it is now April and I still don’t have a gym membership but I still want to get one.  My money situation is getting better so hopefully soon I can go get one then I actually need to go.  

6.) Lose weight

This one goes with the gym membership.  Part of losing the weight is being more active.  I am also working on eating better most of the time and working with a nutritionist on my food choices.

7.) Go to church or view it online weekly

Church has always been a major part of my life until the last few years.  I stopped going to my home church because of some issues that occured but I moved to virginia and found a church I like.  I haven’t been back in person since covid but I do watch it online sometimes and would like to start being more consistent about watching it and maybe finding a way to get involved.  I believe church has always given me a sense of somewhere I belong and I want that back.

8.) Read my bible daily

One of my goals I want to work on is reading my bible more.  Daily would be the best but even if it’s just a few times a week that would be a start.  I want to read what my maker has to say to me.

9.) Do scripture writing for the whole year

My friend and I started doing scripture writing in February of this year and haven’t stopped since.  Basically we just google scripture writing plans and pick one that we would like to do for the month.  It gives you a few verses to write per day and you just spend that time with God writing those scriptures.  I really love it and so does she so I would like to continue it throughout the year.

10.)Pray daily

One thing that has always been more difficult for me to keep up with is pray.  I would read my bible and study God’s word all the time but would slack on the prayer situation.  I want to just remind myself to pray daily because i love that communication with my savior.

11.) Plan a trip to New york

I think a trip to New York would be fun and would love to plan that in the next year or two.

12.) Finish my scrapbook about my grandma

My grandma died several years ago and one of the things I’ve been working on is a scrapbook about her just as a therapeutic type activity and I want to finish that up this year.

13.) Finish my cruise scrapbook

I have been on two cruise’s with my friends Stephanie and Amy and have created a lot of the scrapbook from those two trips but I would like to finish that up this year.

14.) Start a scrapbook about me and build my self esteem while doing it

“Book of Me” scrapbooks are great for scrapbooking about yourself and building your self esteem while doing it.  Here are some great page ideas for a “Book of Me” scrapbook.

15.) Make a budget and stick to it

I am pretty good about making budgets but I have a hard time sticking to them.  This year I want to learn to stick to my budget because i have saving goals and want to stay out of overdraft.

16.) Make money monthly on my blog

It would be great if I could start making money on my blog.  Even if it is just a small amount at first.

17.) Start paying off debt

I have a lot of medical bills and bills from when I was in my twenties that I haven’t paid that are on my credit report and in collections that I would like to start paying so that I can improve my credit score.

18.) Read my bible at least 3 times a week other than the scripture writing

Reading my bible is important to me because it’s one of the ways God can speak to me.  I would like to become more consistent about reading it this year.

19.) Read the whole bible

One of my goals in life is to read the whole bible.  It may not happen in one year but if I get started and stay consistent it will happen sooner than later.

20.) Get my student loans out of default

My student loans are in default because when I started getting the bills I was doing bad financially and didn’t pay them.  Now I would like to get them out of default and be able to get it off my credit report.  I am in the process of sending in paperwork now to get payments started.

21.) Look into going back to school once i can get my financial aid back

Going back to school is something I really want to do.  I have my Associate’s degree in medical laboratory technology but would really like to get my Bachelor’s degree in either Medical Laboratory Science or Biomedical Science but I can’t go back until I get my financial aid figured out agian.  It’s a work in progress

22.) Start saying “no”

I have problems saying “no” to things I don’t want to do.  So one of my goals is to start saying “no” and advocating for what I want.

23.) Maybe look into research jobs I might could find and consider applying for them

One of the reasons I got into Medical Laboratory Technology was to get into Medical Research.  I would love to work as a medical researcher at some point so checking into the possibility now is something that is a possiblitly.

24.) Plan a trip to Disney/Universal for my family

I would love to be able to go to Disney and Universal Studios with my family.  So I want to make it happen.

25.) Start planning and saving for a trip to Europe

My dream vacation is to go to Europe.  I specifically want to go to London and Paris but there are many other places I would like to go too if I ever get the chance.  I know it is going to cost lots of money so I want to start saving now.

26.) Grow my facebook followers for my blog page to at least 100

Social media is important to a blog.  I would like to work on being more social and growing my following.  I know the more consistent I am with posting and being active the more it will grow.

27.) Grow my pinterest account followers to at least 200

I have 87 followers right now on pinterest so I would like to grow to 200.  I think that is possible in the next year if I am consistent with posting new blog posts on my blog and posting them to pinterest.

28.) Grow my instagram followers to 200

Instagram is not a platform I have worked on much but would like to start.  I’m not sure how many followers I have right now but I think 200 is an attainable number.

29.) Write consistently on my blog

Writing consistently on my blog is what is going to grow my pageviews, my subscribers, my facebook followers, pinterest followers and instagram followers.  Without writing consistently none of these things can happen.

30.) Eat healthier

I am on a journey right now to eating healthier.  I am seeing a nutritionist and working on better food choices and being able to figure out what is good to eat and what will be bad for me.

31.) Organize my craft supplies

This is a big goal for me.  I recently moved into my own apartment and have a craft room/office where my craft supplies stay.  They are somewhat organized but would like to organize them even better.

32.) Read more books than I did last year

I haven’t read a whole lot in the last few years but I always have plenty of books that I want to read so I would like to make that happen more this year.

33.) Do more fun activities like the painting class me and amy did or the science museum

Doing fun things makes life more interesting and fun.  I want my life to be interesting and fun so I would like to do more things that make it that way.  Recently I took a painting class with a friend and that was fun so maybe more things like that.  Or I went to the Science center with my family, which was also very fun.  I always love to see the penguins.

34.) Memorize scripture

This goal I feel is very important because when I am tempted or having a bad day I can recall scripture to put me back in the right headspace.  I definitely want to work on memorizing more scripture this year.

Well that’s it!  My 34 goals for being 34.  I have high hopes for this year and want it to be my most productive year yet.  Hopefully you are inspired by some of the goals and want to join me this year in trying to accomplish some of them or maybe you’re inspired to make a whole list of your own goals.  I hope this helps you.

If you are depressed like I have been for many years, I want you to know there is hope.  It does get better and when it does you will have goals again too.  But if all you can do is breathe right now then just do that get through the day and the goals will come later.  I promise it will get better.  Keep breathing and showing up everyday. Check out How to Improve your Mental Health.

Let me know in the comments what goals you have right now. 

If you want to talk privately you can always email me or contact me on social media.