27 Affirmations for your Mental Health

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One of the ways I help my depression is using affirmations for mental health.  You can find affirmations on the internet for many different things from depression and anxiety to self love to money affirmations.

Why use affirmations?

Using affirmations basically tricks your brain into thinking you have already achieved the things you are telling yourself.  For example, let’s say you use the affirmation “I am worthy” your brain will begin to believe that yes you are worthy.

This can be beneficial for your mental health because with depression your brain tells you negative things all the time.  If you use affirmations you can begin to change your negative thinking into positive thinking which will in turn improve your depression.

How to use affirmations for mental health

The best ways to use affirmations is to repeat them daily.  One way to do this is to repeat them multiple times right when you wake up and start your day.  Another way is to repeat them before you go to bed.  For the best results do both.

Another way to use affirmations is to write them down.  So for example you could write out your affirmations in your journal everyday.

You could also write them on sticky notes and put them around your house.  Put the places like on your mirrors and at your desk or on the refrigerator.  Put them places you frequently will see.

Another idea is to set alarms on your phone for different times of the day.  When the alarms go off you repeat your affirmations at those times.  This helps you change your mindset throughout the day.

Affirmations for mental Health

Here is a list of affirmations you can use to improve your mental health:

  1. I won’t always feel this way
  2. I have people who love and care for me.
  3. My depression will not last forever
  4. My depression does not define me.
  5. I can and will heal from my depression.
  6. I deserve happiness in my life
  7. I deserve joy in my life
  8. I have so much in life to be grateful for.
  9. I have been through a lot and it’s ok to feel this way.
  10. I can and will be strong again.
  11. Today I will shower and eat something healthy
  12. I am proud of getting though my bad days
  13. I choose to give myself love today
  14. I matter
  15. I am enough
  16. My struggles make me stronger
  17. It is hard, but I will not give up on loving myself fully
  18. I am a survivor
  19. I am brave.
  20. I can take on whatever comes my way today.
  21. What I fear is not as bad as it seems.
  22. I am strong
  23. I am smart
  24. I am confident
  25. I am on a path to feeling better about myself.
  26. I love who I am.
  27. I am a work in progress

One of my favorite affirmations for mental health is “I am a work in progress.” This helps me remember that I am working towards being ok and some days it will look messier than others but eventually I will make it.

I hope you found a few affirmations that you would like to use for your mental health. Remember to repeat them daily for the best results. Also check out my other mental health posts: How to improve your mental health and How to remember your mental health medication.

Another very important thing for mental health care is self care. I have created a self care bingo printable that you can get by signing up for my email list below. All you do is print it out and try to do the things on the card and see if you can get yourself a bingo. It makes it really fun.